Basswood Section Comb Honey Kit
Looking to begin producing your own section comb honey? This kit provides you with the equipment to get you started on your split section honey journey.  All components in the final comb honey product are 100% all-natural and contain no plastic parts – this produces a truly unique and original honey bee made product!
These basswood honey sections match the “Kelly” style split section comb honey boxes in style and size and are interchangeable.  Many state and beekeeping club competitions require the use of the basswood comb section boxes and these match the basswood section comb honey requirements.
This unassembled Basswood Section Comb Honey Kit includes the items listed below:
- 1 comb section honey super box (4-1/4 in. deep)
- Fits standard 10 frame Langstroth box
- Holds 28 basswood split section boxes (30 section boxes are included in the kit and must be carefully folded into shape)
- 5 section frame holders for comb honey
- 6 section box separators
- 2 super springs
- Nails and assembly instructions
- Requires wood glue and hammer for assembly
To order separate basswood section honey box parts (comb section boxes, separators, etc.) click here.
Note: Bees and 4″ thin surplus foundation must be purchased separately.