Apitherapy bees are available for various purposes including bee venom therapy and there are various research data available on other apitherapy sites including the following:
If modern medicine is unable to help you, try Apitherapy / Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) … you have little to lose:
The use of honey bee products for healing and health (known as Apitherapy) has been in use since ancient times, however, the most attention grabbing apitherapy treatment today tends to be the use of bee stings to reduce disease symptoms. The use of BVT for rheumatic diseases has been recognized for at least 2500 years. (Broadman 1962)Â
While the majority of therapeutically applied bee venom is through injection in the form of desensitization shots for people suffering from hyper-allergic reactions to honey bee venom (anaphylaxis), anyone with access to a hive can obtain venom from the self-contained, self-sterilizing, self-injecting bee venom applicators living within. (Bee Culture, June 2017, Ross Conrad )
What do I get in the package?
- Small pack includes 10 to 12 worker bees in a cage
- Large pack includes 25 to 30Â worker bees in a cage
- Bees are sent in a wooden cage with transport candy food at one end
- You will need to transfer the bees to a larger “release / holding cage” once you receive them
- OR utilize them immediately for api therapy
- Some users of BVT will gently pick up the bees by their wings or legs while others will utilize apitherapy bee venom therapy tweezers (sold separately)
** Always consult with your doctor before administering BVT and make sure they approve **
Links for Apitherapy Bee information ->