Meyer Bees Package Bees


MB package bees with mated and laying local MB queen, 3 pound package. For pickup at our Minooka, IL apiary – no shipping.  Anticipated 2025 pickup dates are selectable below.   These dates will depend on weather and availability.   An email will be sent out about a week prior to the pickup date to confirm the date as well as to provide pickup day details.

Still available – purchase 5 frame NUCS here – Click for Bee NUCS

Meyer Bees Package Bee Options

  • Select queen marking:

    A marked queen makes it easier to locate / identify her amongst the other bees in your colony

  • Select your preferred package pickup date: *

  • * required fields

Product total

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SKU: MB-3LBPKG-MB Category:

Meyer Bees package bees with mated and laying local Meyer Bees mutt queen, 3 pound package. For pickup at our Minooka, IL apiary – no shipping.  Anticipated pickup dates are selectable below.   These dates will depend on weather and availability.   An email will be sent out about a week prior to the pickup date to confirm the date as well as to provide pickup day details.


  • These package bees are available later in the spring season after our local colonies have begun building up
  • We include locally raised Meyer Bees Mutt queens with these packages
  • Various custom sizes of packages can be produced including: 1 pound, 2 pound, 3 pound or larger
  • These packages are made in our apiary and their availability is dependent on the local weather and colony build up times

These Meyer Bees packages have daughter queens grafted from our best colonies that successfully survive the 2024 winter into 2025.   Some beekeepers refer to these colonies as survivor stock bees since they are being produced from colonies that have shown adaptability / success in surviving Chicago winters and have strong buildup in the early spring.   The queen and her colony would be considered “Meyer Mutts” and are a good blend of honeybee genetic traits.   For pickup at our Minooka, IL apiary.

Weight 128 oz
Dimensions 16 × 6 × 9 in