Meyer Bees is the Chicagoland Mann Lake Dealer, as well as an authorized beekeeping supplies dealer for Betterbee, Kelly Beekeeping, Honey-B-Healthy and others. We maintain a Mann Lake dealer showroom on site with all common beekeeping supplies from the catalog available for browsing and for purchase on the spot ( click to visit the online SHOP ). The photos below show some items on display in the showroom. Pallet quantities of select items are available in the Minooka, IL warehouse (located roughly 35 miles southwest of Chicago). Call us at 815-521-9116 or email [email protected] to check availability and set up an appointment 7 days a week!
Beekeeping Supplies

Meyer Bees stocks all common hive parts and beekeeping supplies. We have in stock woodenware, tools, clothing, hive health items and bottling supplies. Visit our online SHOP for details.
- woodenware items: 10-frame, 8-frame, 5-frame and custom
- aluminum clad top covers and inner covers
- bottom boards: solid and screened
- excluders: woodbound metal, metal and plastic
- feeders: boardman, frame and top
- assembled and unassembled frames
- foundation: plastic rite-cell, wax, wax with wire reinforced, wax with hooks, virgin cut-comb wax, small cell, etc.
- swarm traps and swarm lures
- queen rearing supplies
Hive parts can be purchased unassembled to save on costs, or can be purchased assembled and painted.
We carry feed supplements for use with sugar syrup, 4% protein winter feed patties, pollen patties for brood buildup with 18% protein, protein powders and miscellaneous other nutritional supplements.
Beekeeper suit for sale! Clothing available for purchase include veils, jackets, hats, gloves, full suits, etc.
Hive management tools available include smokers, hive tools, scrapers, brushes, smoker fuel, etc.
Queen rearing supplies available include queen rearing frames, cell cups, cages, cell protectors, queen catchers, mating nucs, grafting tools, marking pens, etc.
Pest control / treatments for hive beetles, mites, wax moths, etc. includes test kits as well as many of the top brand treatments.
Honey harvesting and bottling supplies including both glass and plastic bottles, uncapping tools, buckets, uncapping/storage tanks, extractors, etc.
Place your order with Meyer Bees!
Any item from the Mann Lake catalog – big or small – can be picked up from our Minooka, Illinois warehouse. Common items are fully stocked at the warehouse and custom orders are processed and received on a daily basis. Custom orders take only a week on average to arrive.