Honey bee observation hive makes learning about bees up close and personal! Our Observation Hive lets you take a 5 frame nuc on the road to teach the intricate workings of the hive.  Pull one frame up into the viewing area before you leave and when you get there just remove the viewing area shutters and watch your audience be amazed!  There is an included queen excluder that fits between the bottom box and top observation section so you can keep the queen up in the viewable area if you so choose.  The openings latch securely so there is no chance of your girls getting out to frighten anyone.  There is side exit / entrance with door and latch – this could be used to allow the bees to forage by “piping” with a tube to an outside opening.  Can hold one deep frame feeder in bottom compartment for providing food while on the road (frame feeder not included).
Honey bee observation hive comes with the 5 frame deep nuc box, latches, observation hive top viewing compartment with shutters as the cover and an attached screened bottom board.
Perfect for the classroom or showroom!
Frames not included and are purchased separately.