Creamed Honey Tubs


Creamed Honey Tubs with pre-printed info on the sides! These containers are attractive and easy to fill. The back panel says “Smooth & Creamy! Creamed Honey is an all natural wholesome alternative to other spreads. Store at room temperature. If necessary, warm to soften, cool to harden.” The lid to the Creamed Honey Tub is translucent without any printing, but it is the perfect size for the “Produced By” label, sold separately.   24 pack of tubs and lids.

Note: Plastic containers are not dishwasher safe.

By law, honey is sold by weight, not volume. All sizes shown are honey weight which is not equivalent to liquid volume. For example, a 12 oz container will hold 12 oz of honey but only 8 oz of water.

Weight32 oz
Dimensions8 × 6 × 6 in